刘木伙 (muhuo liu) 简历
男,1981年3月生,2014年于南京师范大学获理学博士学位,美国mathematical reviews评论员,主要从事结构图论和图谱理论等方面的研究,在《中国科学》、《european j. combin.》、《electron. j. combin.》、《discrete math.》、《discrete appl. math.》、《linear algebra appl.》、《linear multilinear algebra》、《graphs combin.》等国内外数学学术刊物上发表或被接受科研论文90多篇,其中80多篇发表或被接受在sci刊源期刊上。第一作者编写的专著《图谱的极值理论》于2017年由广东省科技出版社出版,其英文版于2018年由university of kragujevac and faculty of science kragujevac出版社出版。
(i) 代表论文:
[1] m. liu, h.-j. lai, kinkar ch. das,spectral results on hamiltonian problem,discrete math., 342 (2019) 1718-1730. (sci)
[2]y. yao, m. liu (corresponding author), francesco belardo, chao yang,unified extremal results of topological indices and spectral invariants of graphs, discrete appl. math., 271 (2019) 218–232. (sci)
[3]m. liu, h. shan, x. gu, spectral characterization of the complete graph removing a path, discrete appl. math., 284 (2020) 499–512. (sci)
[4]m. liu, x. gu, spectral characterization of the complete graph removing a path: completing the proof of c\'amara-haemers conjecture, discrete math., 344(2021), 112-275.(sci)
[5] m. liu, b.xu, on a conjecture of schweser and stiebitz, discrete appl. math., 295 (2021) 25–31. (sci)
[6] m. liu, c. chen, z. stanić,on graphs whose second largest eigenvalue is at most 1,european j. combin., 97 (2021) 103385 . (sci)
[7] b. cheng, m. liu (corresponding author), b.-s. tam, on the nullity of a connected graph in terms of order and maximum degree,linear algebra appl., 632 (2022) 193– 232.(sci)
[8] m. liu, b. xu, on connected partition with degree constraints, discrete math., 345 (2022) 112680.(sci)
[9] m. liu,x. gu, spectral strengthening of a theorem on transversal critical graphs, discrete math., 345 (2022) 112717. (sci)
[10] x. gu, m. liu,a tight lower bound on the matching number of graphs via laplacian eigenvalues,european j. combin., 101 (2022) 103468. (sci)
[11]m. liu, c.chen, z. stanić,connected (k_4-e)-free graphs whose second largest eigenvalue does not exceed 1,european j. combin.,in press. (sci)
(ii) 其他的论文:
[1] b. liu, liu m.. on the spread of the spectrum of a graph,discrete math.,309 (2009),2727-2732. (sci)
[2] m. liu,b. liu,z. you, the majorization theorem of connected graphs,linear algebra appl., 431(2009), 553-557. (sci)
[3] m. liu,b. liu,the signless laplacian spread, linear algebra appl., 432(2010), 505-514. (sci)
[4] m. liu,b. liu,on the k-th smallest and k-th greatest modified wiener indices of trees,discrete appl. math.,158 (2010), 699-705. (sci)
[5] m. liu, b. liu,on the spectral radii and the signless laplacian spectral radii of c-cyclic graphs with fixed maximum degree, linear algebra appl., 435 (2011) 3045-3055. (sci)
[6] m. liu,the (signless laplacian) spectral radii of connected graphs with prescribed degree sequences,electron. j. combin., 19(4) (2012), #p35 (sci)
[7] m. liu, lihua you, bolian liu, the proof of a conjecture on the lewin number of primitive non-powerful signed digraphs, linear algebra appl., 438 (2013), 2366-2377. (sci).
[8] k.ch. das, k. xu, m. liu,on sum of powers of the laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, linear algebra appl., 439(2013), 3561-3575.(sci)
[9] m. liu, b. liu,the second zagreb indices of unicyclic graphs with given degree sequences,discrete appl. math.,167 (2014), 217-221 .(sci)
[10] m. liu, h. shan, k. ch. das, some graphs determined by their (signless) laplacian spectra, linear algebra appl., 449(2014),154-165 (sci).
[11] m. liu, b. liu,the majorization theorem of extremal pseudographs, linear algebra appl., 459(2014), 13-22. (sci)
[12] k. ch. das, m. liu, h. shan, upper bounds on the (signless) laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, linear algebra appl., 459(2014),334-341. (sci)
[13] m. liu, b. liu, b. cheng, ordering (signless) laplacian spectral radii with maximum degrees of graphs, discrete math., 338 (2015), 159-163. (sci)
[14] m. liu, b. xu, bipartition of graph under degree constraints,sci. china math., 58(2015), 869–874. (sci,《中国科学》英文版).
[15] k.ch. das,m. liu,complete split graph determined by its (signless) laplacian spectrum,discrete appl. math.,205(2016), 45-51.(sci)
[16] h.shan. m. liu(corresponding author), laplacian spectral radius of c-cyclic graph and maximum vertex degree, sci sin math, (46)2016, 1227–1240(中国科学(中文版)
[17] m. liu, y. zhu, h. shan, k. ch. das,the spectral characterization of butterfly-like graphs,linear algebra appl., 513(2017),55-68.(sci)
[18] m. liu, k.ch. das,h. lai,the spectral radii of c-cyclic graphs with n vertices, girth g and k pendant vertices,linear multilinear algebra,65(2017),869-881. (sci)
[19] g. zhang,m. liu, h. shan, which q-cospectral graphs have same degree sequences, linear algebra appl.,520(2017),274-285.(sci)
[20] m.liu, b. xu,on partitions of graphs under degree constrains, discrete appl. math., 226 (2017) 87-93.(sci).
[21] m. liu, y.yuan, l. you, z. chen, which cospectral graphs have same degree sequences, discrete math., 341 (2018), 2969-2976. (sci)
[22] m.liu, k. xu, x.-d. zhang, extremal graphs for vertex-degree-based invariants with given degree sequences,discrete appl. math.,255 (2019) 267-277. (sci)
[23] j. ye, m. liu(corresponding author), y. yao, k.ch. das, extremal polygonal cacti for bond incident degree indices, discrete appl. math.,257 (2019), 289-298. (sci)
[24] b. cheng, m. liu(corresponding author), bolian liu, proof of a conjecture on the nullity of a connected graph in terms of order and maximum degree, linear algebra appl., 587 (2020),291-301. (sci)
[25] m. liu, k.cheng, i. tomescu, some notes on the extremal k-generalized quasi-unicyclic graphs with respect to zagreb indices,discrete appl. math., 284 (2020) 616–621. (sci)
[26] m. liu, i. tomescu, j. liu, unified extremal results for $k$-apex unicyclic graphs (trees), discrete appl. math., 288 (2021),35-49 (sci).
[27] m. liu, k. cheng, b. furtula, minimum augmented zagreb index of c-cyclic graphs, discrete appl. math., 295 (2021) 32–38. (sci)
[28]c. chen, m. liu(corresponding author), x. gu, k.c. das,extremal augmented zagreb index of trees with given numbers of vertices and leaves, discrete math., 345 (2022) 112753. (sci)
[29] c.chen, m. liu(corresponding author), x.chen, w.lin,on general abc-type index of connected graphs, discrete appl. math., 315 (2022) 27–35. (sci) [30] y. huang, m. liu(corresponding author), f. belardo, the general spectral radii of (multicone-)graphs with prescribed degree sequence, linear multilinear algebra, 70(2022), 4751–4777. (sci)
[31]p. wei, m. liu(corresponding author),note on sombor index of connected graphs with given degree sequence,discrete appl. math., 330 (2023) 51–55. (sci)
[32]m. liu, s.pang, f.belardoc, a.ali,the k-apex trees with minimum augmented zagreb index, discrete math., 346 (2023) 113390. (sci)
[33] m. liu, c.chen, s.-g.guo, j.peng, t.chen,the aα-spectral radius of dense graphs,linear multilinear algebra,71(2023),1044–1053. (sci) [34] p. wei, m. liu (corresponding author), i.gutman,on (exponential) bond incident degree indices of graphs, discrete appl. math., 336 (2023) 141–147 (sci)
(iii) 更多的sci论文:
[1]m. liu,b. liu,degree series of the 3-harmonic graphs,appl. math. j. chinese univ. 23(2008),481-489
[2] b. liu, z. chen, liu m., on graphs with largest laplacian index,czechoslovak math. j. 58(4)(2008), 949-960.(sci).
[3] b. liu, liu m., z. you,erratum to "a note on the largest eigenvalue of non-regular graphs",electronic j. linear algebra,18 (2009), 64-68. (sci)
[4] m. liu,b. liu,new sharp upper bounds for the first zagreb index,match commun. math. comput. chem., 62 (2009), 689-698. (sci)
[5] liu m., b. liu, trees with the seven smallest and fifteen greatest hyper-wiener indices, match commun. math. comput. chem., 63(2010), 151-170. (sci)
[6] m. liu, a note on d-equienergetic graphs, match commun. math. comput. chem., 64(2010),135-140 (sci)
[7] m. liu, a simple approach to order the first zagreb indices of connected graphs,match commun. math. comput. chem., 63 (2010),425-432. (sci)
[8] m. liu,bounds on the spectral radius of the line distance matrix,match commun. math. comput. chem., 63(2010), 717-724 (sci).
[9] m. liu, b. liu, some results on the laplacian spectrum spectrum, comput. math. appl., 59 (2010), 3612-3616. (sci,ei)
[10] m. liu,b. liu,q. li,erratum to the trees on vertices with the first to seventeenth greatest wiener indices are chemical trees',match commun. math. comput. chem., 64 (2010), 743-756. (sci)
[11] m.liu,x. tan, b.liu,the (signless) laplacian spectral radius of unicyclic and bicyclic graphs with n vertices and k pendant vertices,czechoslovak math. j.,60(3) (2010), 849-867. (sci)
[12] m.liu, b. liu, on the variable wiener indices of trees with given maximum degree, math.comput.modelling, 52 (2010), 1651-1659. (sci,ei)
[13] m. liu,b.liu,on the wiener polarity index,match commun. math. comput. chem., 66 (2011), 293-304 (sci).
[14] m. liu, b. liu,f. wei,graphs determined by its (signless) laplacian spectra, electronic j. linear algebra, 22 (2011), 112-124. (sci)
[15] m. liu, b. liu, a note on sum of powers of the laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, appl. math. lett., 24 (2011), 249-252 (sci).
[16] m.liu,b.liu, the second zagreb indices and wiener polarity indices of trees with given degree sequences,match commun. math. comput. chem., 67 (2012),439-450 (sci)
[17] m.liu, b.liu, new method and new results on the order of spectral radius, comput. math. appl., 63(2012) 679-686 (sci,ei).
[18] m. liu, b. liu, some results on the majorization theorem of connected gaphs,acta math.sin.,eng. ser., 28 (2012),371-328.(sci).
[19] m. liu, b. liu, some results on the spectral radii of trees, unicyclic and bicyclic graphs, electronic j. linear algebra,23 (2012),327-339 (sci).
[20] m.liu,some graphs determined by their (signless) laplacian spectra,czechoslovak math. j.,62(4) (2012), 1117-1134 (sci).
[21] m.liu, b.liu, on sum of powers of the signless laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, hacet. j. math. stat., 41(4)(2012), 527-536 (sci).
[22] m. liu, the (signless) laplacian spectrum of c-cyclic graphs with n vertices and k pendant vertices,electronic j.linear algebra, 23(2012),942-952.(sci)
[23] b. liu, m. liu, z. you,the majorization theorem for signless laplacian spectral radii of connected graphs, graphs combin., 29(2013),281-287.(sci).
[24] m. liu, f.li, k.ch. das, ordering the zagreb coindices of connected graphs, match commun. math. comput. chem., 70 (2013),939-948.(sci)
[25] m.liu, b.liu, a note on the lel-equienergetic graphs, ars combin., 113 (2014), 435-439 (sci).
[26] h.li, y. liang, m. liu, b. xu, on minimum balanced bipartitions of triangle-free graphs, j. comb. optim. 27 (2014), 557-566. (sci).
[27] m. liu, b.liu, x. tan, the first nine maximal lel-invariant of graphs with n vertices, util. math., 93(2014), 153-160. (sci)
[28] m.liu, f. wei, b.liu,on the laplacian spectral radii of tricyclic graphs,ars combin., 114(2014), 129-143. (sci)
[29] m. liu, b. liu, the nine smallest hyper-wiener indices of trees and the eight smallest wiener (hyper-wiener) indices of unicyclic graphs,util. math., 95 (2014): 129-139.(sci)
[30] m. liu, b.liu, on the signless laplacian spectra of bicyclic and tricyclic graphs,ars combin.,120(2015), 169-180. (sci)
[31] i. gutman, k. xu, m.liu, a congruence relation for wiener and szeged indices, filomat, 29:5(2015),1081-1083. (sci).
[32] m. liu,b. liu,r.li,the strong pseudochromatic number of a graph, util. math.,98 (2015),3-21.(sci)
[33] m. liu, b.xu, on judicious partitions of graphs,j. comb. optim.,31 (2016), 1383- 1398.(sci).
[34] k.ch. das,m. liu(corresponding author),quotient of spectral radius, (signless) laplacian spectral radius and clique number of graphs,czechoslovak math.j.,66(2016), 1039–1048. (sci)
[35] k. ch. das,m. liu,kite graphs determined by their spectra,applied math. comput., 297(2017),74-78. (sci)
[36] k.ch. das,m.liu (corresponding author),minimal extremal graphs for addition of algebraic connectivity and independence number of connected graphs,filomat,31(2017), 5545- 5551.(sci)
[37] m.liu, y.zhu, h.shan, k.ch. das, erratum to "the spectral characterization of butterfly-like graphs",linear algebra appl., 539(2018), 274-276].(sci)
[38] m. liu,k.ch. das,on the ordering of distance-based invariants of graphs,appl. math. comput., 324(2018),191-201. (sci)
[39] k.ch. das,m.liu,on two conjectures of spectral graph theory,bull. iran. math. soc. , 44(2018),43-51. (sci)
[40] y. yao,m.liu (corresponding author),k.ch. das,y.ye,some extremal results for vertex-degree-based invariants,match commun. math. comput. chem.,81 (2019) 325-344. (sci)
[41] y.yao, m. liu, x.gu,unified extremal results for vertex--degree--based graph invariants with given diameter, match commun. math. comput. chem.,82(2019), 699-714.(sci)
[42] m.liu,y.yuan,k.ch. das, the fan graph is determined by its signless laplacian spectrum, czechoslovak math. j.,70 (2020), 21-31.(sci)
[43] m.liu, y. yao, k.ch. das,extremal results for cacti, bull. malays. math. sci. soc.,43(2020), 2783-2798. (sci)
[44] m. liu, g.zhang, k.ch. das, some properties of algebraic connectivity, nation. academy sci. lett., 43(2020), 537–542. (sci)
[45] m. liu, y. wu, h.-j. lai,unified spectral hamiltonian results of balanced bipartite graphs and complementary graphs,graphs combin., 36(2020),1363-1390. (sci)
[46] x. tan, m. liu(corresponding author), j. liu, on the maximal general abc index of graphs with fixed maximum degree, match commun. math. comput. chem., 85 (2021), 121-130. (sci).
[47] k.cheng,m.liu,fr.belardo,the minimal augmented zagreb index of k-apex trees for k {1,2,3},appl. math. comput.,402(2021),126139. (sci)
[48] m.liu, k.c.das, g.zhang, the maximum number of spanning trees of a graph with given matching number, bull. malays. math. sci. soc., 44 (2021) 3725–3732.
[49]w. zhou, s. pang, m. liu,a. ali,on bond incident degree indices of connected graphs with fixed order and number of pendent vertices, match commun. math. comput. chem., 88 (2022), 625–642.
(iv) 发表的sci综述:
[1] m.liu, b.liu, a survey on recent results of variable wiener index,match commun. math. comput. chem., 69(2013), 491-520. (sci).
[2] k.xu, m.liu, k.ch. das, i.gutman, b.furtula, a survey on graphs extremal with respect to distance-based topological indices, match commun. math. comput. chem.,71(2014), 461-508. (sci).
[3] m.liu, b.liu, k.ch. das, recent results on the majorization theory of graph spectrum and topological index theory-a survey, electronic j.linear algebra, 30(2015), 402-421. (sci).

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