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trans reconfigurable tech 1936-7406 1936-7414acm transactions on algorithmsacm trans algorithms 1549-6325 1549-6333&acm transactions on applied perceptionacm trans appl percept 1544-3558 1544-39656acm transactions on architecture and code optimizationacm trans archit code optim 1544-3566 1544-39733acm transactions on autonomous and adaptive systemsacm trans auton adapt syst 1556-4665 1556-4703'acm transactions on computational logicacm trans comput log 1529-3785 1557-945x.acm transactions on computer-human interactionacm trans comput-hum interact 1073-0516 1557-7325.acm transactions on embedded computing systemsacm trans embed comput syst 1539-9087 1558-34653acm transactions on information and system securityacm trans inf syst secur 1094-9224 1557-7406'acm transactions on internet technologyacm trans internet technol 1533-5399 1557-60514acm transactions on modeling and computer simulationacm trans model comput simul 1049-3301 1558-1195hacm transactions on multimedia computing communications and applicationsacm trans multimed comput com 1551-6857 1551-6865#acm transactions on sensor networksacm trans sens netw 1550-4859 1550-4867acm transactions on the web acm trans web 1559-1131 1559-114x!ad hoc & sensor wireless networksad hoc sens wirel netw 1551-9899 1552-0633ad hoc networks ad hoc netw 1570-8705 1570-8713advances in computers adv comput 0065-2458applied ontology appl ontol 1570-5838 1875-8533applied soft computingappl soft comput 1568-4946 1872-9681automated software engineeringautomat softw eng 0928-8910 1573-7535briefings in bioinformaticsbrief bioinform 1467-5463 1477-4054*business & information systems engineeringbus inf syst eng 1867-0202china communications china commun 1673-5447icluster computing-the journal of networks software tools and applicationscluster comput 1386-7857 1573-7543"cmc-computers materials & continuacmc-comput mater contin 1546-2218 1546-2226cognitive computation cogn comput 1866-9956 1866-9964cognitive systems research cogn syst res 1389-0417%computer animation and virtual worldscomput animat virtual worlds 1546-4261 1546-427x;computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineeringcomput methods biomech biomed 1025-5842 1476-8259(computer science and information systemscomput sci inf syst 1820-0214jcomputer supported cooperative work-the journal of collaborative computingcomput support coop work 0925-9724 1573-7551computers and concrete comput concr 1598-8198 1598-818xcurrent bioinformaticscurr bioinform 1574-8936 2212-392xdigital investigationdigit investig 1742-2876 1873-202xenterprise information systemsenterp inf syst 1751-7575 1751-75839eurasip journal on wireless communications and networkingeurasip j wirel commun netw 1687-1499evolutionary bioinformaticsevol bioinform 1176-9343formal aspects of computingform asp comput 0934-5043 1433-299x*genetic programming and evolvable machinesgenet program evol mach 1389-2576 1573-7632)ieee communications surveys and tutorialsieee commun surv tutor 1553-877x(ieee computational intelligence magazineieee comput intell mag 1556-603x 1556-6048"ieee computer architecture lettersieee comput archit lett 1556-6056 1556-6064ieee security & privacyieee secur priv 1540-7993 1558-4046ieee systems journal ieee syst j 1932-8184 1937-92342ieee transactions on autonomous mental developmentieee trans auton ment dev 1943-0604 1943-0612?ieee transactions on computational intelligence and ai in gamesieee trans comput intell ai g 1943-068x 1943-06989ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systemsieee trans neural netw learn 2162-237x 2162-2388'ieee transactions on services computingieee trans serv comput 1939-13744ieee transactions on dependable and secure computingieee trans dependable secur c 1545-5971 1941-0018ieee transactions on hapticsieee trans haptics 1939-1412 2329-40517ieee transactions on information forensics and securityieee trans inf forensic secur 1556-6013 1556-6021*ieee transactions on learning technologiesieee trans learn technol 1939-1382aieee-acm transactions on computational biology and bioinformaticsieee-acm trans comput biol bi 1545-5963 1557-9964iet computer visioniet comput vis 1751-9632 1751-9640$iet computers and digital techniquesiet comput digit tech 1751-8601 1751-861xiet information security iet inf secur 1751-8709 1751-8717iet radar sonar and navigationiet radar sonar navig 1751-8784 1751-8792 iet software iet softw 1751-8806 1751-8814information fusion inf fusion 1566-2535 1872-6305"information technology and controlinf technol control 1392-124xinformation visualizationinf vis 1473-8716 1473-8724intelligent data analysisintell data anal 1088-467x 1571-41284international arab journal of information technologyint arab j inf technol 1683-3198einternational journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineeringint j numer meth biomed eng 2040-7939 2040-79478international journal of ad hoc and ubiquitous computingint j ad hoc ubiquitous compu 1743-8225 1743-8233'ieee transactions on information theoryieee trans inform theory 0018-9448 1557-9654ieee transactions on multimediaieee trans multimedia 1520-9210 1941-00775ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systemsieee trans parall distrib sys 1045-9219 1558-2183)ieee transactions on software engineeringieee trans software eng 0098-5589 1939-35208ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphicsieee trans visual comput gr 1077-2626 1941-0506,ieee transactions on wireless communicationsieee trans wirel commun 1536-1276 1558-2248ieee wireless communicationsieee wirel commun 1536-1284 1558-0687#ieee-acm transactions on networkingieee acm trans networking 1063-6692 1558-2566-ieice transactions on information and systemsieice trans inform syst 1745-1361 informatica 0868-4952 1822-8844information and computation inform comput 0890-5401 1090-2651#information and software technologyinform software technol 0950-5849 1873-6025information processing lettersinf process lett 0020-0190 1872-6119information retrievalinf retr 1386-4564 1573-7659information sciencesinform sciences 0020-0255 1872-6291information systems inform syst 0306-4379 1873-6076information systems frontiersinf syst front 1387-3326 1572-9419information systems managementinform syst manage 1058-0530 1934-8703informs journal on computinginforms j comput 1091-9856 1526-5528%integrated computer-aided engineeringintegr comput-aided engineer 1069-2509 1875-8835integration-the vlsi journal integration 0167-9260 1872-7522interacting with computersinteract comput 0953-5438 1873-7951.international journal of approximate reasoningint j approx reasoning 0888-613x 1873-4731evolutionary computation evol comput 1063-6560 1530-9304expert systems 0266-4720 1468-0394formal methods in system designform method syst des 0925-9856 1572-8102fundamenta informaticae fundam inform 0169-2968 1875-8681[future generation computer systems-the international journal of grid computing and esciencefuture gener < comput syst 0167-739x 1872-7115graphical models graph models 1524-0703 1524-0711human-computer interaction 0737-0024 1532-7051'ibm journal of research and developmentibm j res develop 0018-8646 2151-8556 icga journalicga j 1389-6911'ieee annals of the history of computingieee ann hist comput 1058-6180 1934-1547ieee communications lettersieee commun lett 1089-7798 1558-2558ieee communications magazineieee commun mag 0163-6804 1558-1896'ieee computer graphics and applicationsieee comput graph appl 0272-1716 1558-17560ieee journal on selected areas in communicationsieee j sel area commun 0733-8716 1558-0008 ieee micro 0272-1732 1937-4143ieee internet computingieee internet comput 1089-7801 1941-0131ieee multimedia 1070-986x 1941-0166 ieee network 0890-8044 1558-156xieee pervasive computingieee pervasive comput 1536-1268 1558-2590 ieee software 0740-7459 1937-4194!ieee transactions on broadcastingieee trans broadcasting 0018-9316 1557-9611#ieee transactions on communicationsieee trans commun 0090-6778 1558-0857ieee transactions on computersieee trans comput 0018-9340 1557-9956-ieee transactions on evolutionary computationieee trans evol computat 1089-778x 1941-0026computers & geosciences comput geosci 0098-3004 1873-7803computers & graphics-ukcomput graph-uk 0097-8493 1873-7684"computers & industrial engineeringcomput ind eng 0360-8352 1879-0550computers & operations researchcomput oper res 0305-0548 1873-765xcomputers & securitycomput security 0167-4048 1872-6208computers & structures comput struct 0045-7949 1879-2243(computers and electronics in agriculturecomput electron agric 0168-1699 1872-7107computers and geotechnicscomput geotech 0266-352x 1873-7633!computers in biology and medicinecomput biol med 0010-4825 1879-0534computers in industry comput ind 0166-3615 1872-6194 computing 0010-485x 1436-5057computing and informatics comput inform 1335-9150"computing in science & engineeringcomput sci eng 1521-9615 1558-366x1concurrency and computation-practice & experienceconcurr comput-pract exp 1532-0626 1532-0634connection science connect sci 0954-0091 1360-0494 constraints 1383-7133 1572-9354 cryptologia 0161-1194 1558-1586data & knowledge engineeringdata knowl eng 0169-023x 1872-6933#data mining and knowledge discoverydata min knowl discov 1384-5810 1573-756xdecision support systemsdecis support syst 0167-9236 1873-5797&design automation for embedded systemsdes autom embed syst 0929-5585 1572-8080designs codes and cryptographydesigns codes cryptogr 0925-1022 1573-7586displays 0141-9382 1872-7387"distributed and parallel databasesdistrib parallel datab 0926-8782 1573-7578distributed computingdistrib comput 0178-2770 1432-0452empirical software engineeringempir softw eng 1382-3256 1573-7616engineering with computers eng comput 0177-0667 1435-5663"environmental modelling & softwareenviron modell softw 1364-8152 1873-6726 etri journaletri j 1225-6463 2233-7326'european journal of information systemseur j infor syst 0960-085x 1476-93448transactions on emerging telecommunications technologiestrans emerg telecommun techno 2161-3915bmc bioinformatics 1471-21050cmes-computer modeling in engineering & sciencescmes-comput model eng sci 1526-1492 1526-1506communications of the acm commun acm 0001-0782 1557-7317#computational biology and chemistrycomput biol chem 1476-9271 1476-928xcomputational geosciencescomputat geosci 1420-0597 1573-1499computational linguisticscomput linguist 0891-2017 1530-9312computer 0018-9162 1558-0814computer aided geometric designcomput aided geom design 0167-8396 1879-2332.computer applications in engineering educationcomput appl eng educ 1061-3773 1099-0542)acm sigcomm computer communication reviewacm sigcomm comp commun rev 0146-4833 1943-5819computer communications comput commun 0140-3664 1873-703xcomputer graphics forum 0167-7055 1467-8659computer journalcomput j 0010-4620 1460-2067'computer languages systems & structurescomput lang syst struct 1477-8424 1873-6866,computer methods and programs in biomedicinecomput method program biomed 0169-2607 1872-75655computer methods in applied mechanics and engineeringcomput method appl mech eng 0045-7825 1879-2138computer music journalcomput music j 0148-9267 1531-5169computer networks comput netw 1389-1286 1872-7069computer speech and languagecomputer speech language 0885-2308 1095-8363computer standards & interfacescomput stand interface 0920-5489 1872-7018(computer systems science and engineeringcomput syst sci eng 0267-6192'computer vision and image understandingcomput vis image understand 1077-3142 1090-235xcomputer-aided designcomput aid des 0010-4485 1879-2685 computers & chemical engineeringcomput chem eng 0098-1354 1873-4375computers & education comput educ 0360-1315 1873-782x"computers & electrical engineeringcomput elect eng 0045-7906 1879-0755acm sigplan notices 0362-1340 1558-1160$acm transactions on computer systemsacm trans comput syst 0734-2071 1557-7333$acm transactions on database systemsacm trans database syst 0362-5915 1557-4644;acm transactions on design automation of electronic systemsacm transact des automat el s 1084-4309 1557-7309acm transactions on graphicsacm trans graphic 0730-0301 1557-7368'acm transactions on information systemsacm trans inform syst 1046-8188 1558-2868)acm transactions on mathematical softwareacm trans math software 0098-3500 1557-72955acm transactions on programming languages and systemsacm trans program lang syst 0164-0925 1558-45938acm transactions on software engineering and methodologyacm trans softw eng methodol 1049-331x 1557-7392acta informatica acta inform 0001-5903 1432-0525 advances in engineering software adv eng softw 0965-9978 1873-5339;aeu-international journal of electronics and communicationsaeu-int j electron commun 1434-8411 1618-0399;annals of telecommunications-annales des telecommunicationsann telecommun 0003-4347 1958-9395artificial intelligence artif intell 0004-3702 1872-7921artificial intelligence reviewartif intell rev 0269-2821 1573-7462artificial life artif life 1064-5462 1530-9185)autonomous agents and multi-agent systemsauton agents multi-agent syst 1387-2532 1573-7454bell labs technical journalbell labs tech j 1089-7089 1538-7305bioinformatics 1367-4803 1460-2059computers & fluids comput fluids 0045-7930 1879-0747frontiers of computer sciencefront comput sci 2095-2228 2095-2236%ieee transactions on mobile computingieee trans mob comput 1536-1233 1558-0660*wireless communications & mobile computingwirel commun mob comput 1530-8669 1530-8677wireless networks wirel netw 1022-0038 1572-8196 wireless personal communicationswirel pers commun 0929-6212 1572-834x3world wide web-internet and web information systemsworld wide web 1386-145x 1573-1413;international journal of computational intelligence systemsint j comput intell syst 1875-6891 1875-6883;international journal of computers communications & controlint j comput commun control 1841-9836 1841-98447international journal of data mining and bioinformaticsint j data min bioinform 1748-5673 1748-56814international journal of data warehousing and miningint j data warehous min 1548-3924 1548-39324international journal of distributed sensor networksint j distrib sens netw 1550-1329 1550-14778international journal of foundations of computer scienceint j fou< nd comput sci 0129-0541 1793-6373(international journal of general systemsint j gen system 0308-1079 1563-5104-international journal of information securityint j inf secur 1615-5262 1615-5270ainternational journal of information technology & decision makingint j inf technol decis mak 0219-6220 1793-6845 international journal of network managementint j netw manag 1055-7148 1099-1190(international journal of sensor networksint j sens netw 1748-1279 1748-12871international journal of unconventional computingint j unconv comput 1548-7199 1548-7202linternational journal of wavelets multiresolution and information processingint j wavelets multiresolut i 0219-6913 1793-690x.international journal of web and grid servicesint j web grid serv 1741-1106 1741-1114.international journal of web services researchint j web serv res 1545-7362 1546-50046international journal on artificial intelligence toolsint j artif intell tools 0218-2130 1793-6349:international journal on document analysis and recognitionint j doc anal recognit 1433-2833 1433-2825=international journal on semantic web and information systemsint j semant web inf syst 1552-6283 1552-62913journal of bioinformatics and computational biologyj bioinform comput biol 0219-7200 1757-6334it professionalit prof 1520-9202 1941-045xjournal of cheminformaticsj cheminformatics 1758-29466journal of ambient intelligence and smart environmentsj ambient intell smart envir 1876-1364 1876-1372journal of applied logic j appl log 1570-8683 1570-8691journal of cellular automata j cell autom 1557-5969 1557-5977'journal of computer and system sciencesj comput syst sci 0022-0000 1090-2724journal of database managementj database manage 1063-8016 1533-8010journal of grid computing j grid comput 1570-7873 1572-9184journal of internet technologyj internet technol 1607-9264 2079-40293journal of multiple-valued logic and soft computingj mult-valued log soft comput 1542-3980)journal of network and systems managementj netw syst manag 1064-7570 1573-77050journal of optical communications and networkingj opt commun netw 1943-0620 1943-06390journal of organizational and end user computingj organ end user comput 1546-2234 1546-5012%journal of real-time image processingj real-time image process 1861-8200 1861-8219journal of statistical software j stat softw 1548-7660journal of the acmj acm 0004-5411 1557-735x2journal of the association for information systemsj assoc inf syst 1536-9323 1558-3457<journal of the institute of telecommunications professionalsj inst telecommun prof 1755-9278journal of web engineering j web eng 1540-9589 1544-5976journal of web semantics j web semant 1570-8268!knowledge and information systemsknowl inf syst 0219-1377 0219-31165ksii transactions on internet and information systemsksii trans internet inf syst 1976-7277!language resources and evaluationlang resour eval 1574-020x 1574-0218#logical methods in computer sciencelog meth comput sci 1860-5974%malaysian journal of computer sciencemalays j comput sci 0127-9084 mathematical modelling of natural phenomenamath model nat phenom 0973-5348 1760-6101mathematical programming math program 0025-5610 1436-4646 mathematical structures in computer sciencemath struct comput sci 0960-1295 1469-8072mobile information systems mob inf syst 1574-017x 1875-905xnatural computing nat comput 1567-7818 1572-9796networks 0028-3045 1097-0037neural network worldneural netw world 1210-0552'new review of hypermedia and multimedianew rev hypermedia multimed 1361-4568 1740-7842 optical switching and networkingopt switch netw 1573-4277 1872-9770(peer-to-peer networking and applicationspeer peer netw appl 1936-6442 1936-6450performance evaluationperform evaluation 0166-5316 1872-745x!personal and ubiquitous computingpers ubiquitous comput 1617-4909 1617-4917pervasive and mobile computingpervasive mob comput 1574-1192 1873-1589photonic network communicationsphotonic netw commun 1387-974x 1572-8188/presence-teleoperators and virtual environmentspresence-teleoper virtual env 1054-7460 1531-3263$problems of information transmissionprobl inf transm 0032-9460 1608-3253!programming and computer softwareprogram comput soft-engl tr 0361-7688 1608-3261.rairo-theoretical informatics and applicationsrairo-theor inform appl 0988-3754 1290-385xreal-time systemsreal-time syst 0922-6443 1573-1383requirements engineering requir eng 0947-3602 1432-010x6romanian journal of information science and technologyrom j inform sci technol 1453-8245"science china-information sciencessci china-inf sci 1674-733x 1869-1919science of computer programmingsci comput program 0167-6423 1872-7964scientific programming sci program 1058-9244 1875-919x#security and communication networkssecur commun netw 1939-0114 1939-0122siam journal on computing siam j comput 0097-5397 1095-7111 siam journal on imaging sciencessiam j imaging sci 1936-4954 sigmod record 0163-5808 1943-5835(simulation modelling practice and theorysimul model pract theory 1569-190x 1878-1462psimulation-transactions of the society for modeling and simulation internationalsimul-trans soc model simul i 0037-5497 1741-3133soft computing soft comput 1432-7643 1433-7479software and systems modelingsoftw syst model 1619-1366 1619-1374software quality journal softw qual j 0963-9314 1573-1367 software testing verification & reliabilitysoftw test verif reliab 0960-0833 1099-1689software-practice & experiencesoftware-pract exp 0038-0644 1097-024xspeech communication speech commun 0167-6393 1872-7182statistics and computing stat comput 0960-3174 1573-1375swarm intelligence swarm intell 1935-3812 1935-3820telecommunication systemstelecommun syst 1018-4864 1572-9451)theoretical biology and medical modellingtheor biol med model 1742-4682theoretical computer sciencetheor comput sci 0304-3975 1879-2294(theory and practice of logic programmingtheory pract log program 1471-0684 1475-3081theory of computing systemstheory comput syst 1432-4350 1433-0490 universal access in the information societyuniversal access inf soc 1615-5289 1615-5297*user modeling and user-adapted interactionuser model user-adapt intera 0924-1868 1573-1391virtual reality virtual real 1359-4338 1434-9957visual computer visual comput 0178-2789 1432-2315 vldb journalvldb j 1066-8888 0949-877xcwiley interdisciplinary reviews-data mining and knowledge discoverywiley interdiscip rev-data mi 1942-4787 1942-4795%journal of universal computer sciencej univers comput sci 0948-695x8journal of visual communication and image representationj vis commun image represent 1047-3203 1095-9076)journal of visual languages and computingj visual lang computing 1045-926x 1095-8533journal of visualizationj vis 1343-8875 1875-8975knowledge engineering review 0269-8889 1469-8005knowledge-based systemsknowl-based syst 0950-7051 1872-74098mathematical and computer modelling of dynamical systemsmath comput model dynam syst 1387-3954 1744-5051medical image analysismed image anal 1361-8415 1361-8423 microprocessors and microsystemsmicroprocessors microsystems 0141-9331 1872-9436minds and machines mind mach 0924-6495 1572-8641mobile networks & applicationsmobile netw appl 1383-469x 1572-8153.multidimensional systems and signal processingmultidimension syst sign proc 0923-6082 1573-0824multimedia systemsmultimedia syst 0942-4962 1432-1882!multimedia tools and applicationsmultimed < tools appl 1380-7501 1573-7721neural computation neural comput 0899-7667 1530-888xneural networks 0893-6080 1879-2782neural processing lettersneural process lett 1370-4621 1573-773xneurocomputing 0925-2312 1872-8286new generation computingnew generation comput 0288-3635 1882-7055online information reviewonline inf rev 1468-4527 1468-4535optimization methods & softwareoptim method softw 1055-6788 1029-4937parallel computingparallel comput 0167-8191 1872-73362journal of computational analysis and applicationsj comput anal appl 1521-1398 1572-92066journal of computer and systems sciences internationalj comput syst sci int-engl tr 1064-2307 1555-6530'journal of computer information systemsj comput inform syst 0887-4417*journal of computer science and technologyj comput sci technol 1000-9000 1860-4749journal of cryptology j cryptol 0933-2790 1432-1378=journal of experimental & theoretical artificial intelligencej exp theor artif intell 0952-813x 1362-3079!journal of functional programmingj funct program 0956-7968 1469-7653journal of heuristics j heuristics 1381-1231 1572-9397.journal of information science and engineering j inf sci eng 1016-2364!journal of information technologyj inform technol 0268-3962 1466-4437*journal of intelligent information systemsj intell inf syst 0925-9902 1573-7675 journal of logic and computationj logic comput 0955-792x 1465-363x$journal of machine learning researchj mach learn res 1532-4435)journal of management information systemsj manage inform syst 0742-1222 1557-928x*journal of mathematical imaging and visionj math imaging vision 0924-9907 1573-7683)journal of molecular graphics & modellingj mol graph model 1093-3263 1873-4243,journal of network and computer applicationsj netw comput appl 1084-8045;journal of organizational computing and electronic commercej organ comput electron comme 1091-9392 1532-7744-journal of parallel and distributed computingj parallel distrib comput 0743-7315 1096-0848:journal of research and practice in information technologyj res pract inf technol 1443-458x(journal of strategic information systemsj strategic inform syst 0963-8687 1873-1198journal of supercomputing j supercomput 0920-8542 1573-0484journal of systems and softwarej syst software 0164-1212 1873-1228journal of systems architecturej syst architect 1383-7621 1873-61658international journal of cooperative information systemsint j coop inf syst 0218-8430 1793-6365@international journal of high performance computing applicationsint j high perform comput app 1094-3420 1741-2846'international journal of neural systemsint j neural syst 0129-0657 1793-6462-international journal of parallel programmingint j parallel program 0885-7458 1573-7640hinternational journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligenceint j pattern recognit arti i 0218-0014 1793-6381@international journal of satellite communications and networkingint j satell commun netw 1542-0973 1542-0981ginternational journal of software engineering and knowledge engineeringint j softw eng knowl 0218-1940 1793-6403jinternational journal of uncertainty fuzziness and knowledge-based systemsint j uncertain fuzz knowl-b 0218-4885 1793-6411internet research internet res 1066-2243journal of new music researchj new music research 0929-8215 1744-5027 journal of artificial intelligence researchj artif intell res 1076-9757 1943-5037journal of automated reasoningj autom reasoning 0168-7433 1573-0670!journal of biomedical informaticsj biomed inform 1532-0464 1532-0480&journal of communications and networks j commun netw 1229-2370 1976-55414journal of communications technology and electronicsj commun technol electron 1064-2269 1555-6557&journal of intelligent & fuzzy systemsj intell fuzzy syst 1064-1246 1875-8967%journal on multimodal user interfacesj multimodal user interfaces 1783-7677 1783-8738acm transactions on storageacm trans storage 1553-3077 1553-3093)journal of software-evolution and processj softw-evol proc 2047-7473 2047-74811international journal of bio-inspired computationint j bio-inspired comput 1758-0366 1758-03746acm transactions on intelligent systems and technologyacm trans intell syst technol 2157-6904 2157-6912applied clinical informaticsappl clin inform 1869-0327(ieee transactions on affective computingieee trans affect comput 1949-30451ieee journal of biomedical and health informaticsieee j biomed health inform 2168-2194 ieee transactions on cyberneticsiee trans cybern 2168-2267 2168-2275ieee design & test ieee des test 2168-2356 journal of computational science j comput sci 1877-7503scryptography and communications-discrete-structures boolean functions and sequencescryptogr commun 1936-2447 1936-2455/foundations and trends in information retrievalfound trends inf retr 1554-0669 1554-0677title20acm j emerg tech comacm sigcomm comp comacm t comput systacm t database systacm t des automat el acm t graphicacm t inform systacm t math softwareacm t progr lang sysacm t softw eng methacm t algorithmsacm t appl perceptacm t archit code opacm t auton adap sysacm t comput logacm t comput-hum intacm t embed comput sacm t inform syst seacm t intel syst tecacm t internet technacm t knowl discov dacm t model comput sacm t multim computacm t reconfig technacm t sensor network acm t storage acm t webaeu-int j electron cauton agent multi-agad hoc sens wirel nenullbus inform syst eng cmc-comput mater 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artif intell tint j doc anal recogint j semant web infj commun netw-s korj commun technol el j comput sys sc int j comput sci tech-chj exp theor artif in j inf technolj math imaging visj mult-valued log s 1542-3999j new music resj org comp elect comj parallel distr comj res pract inf techj strategic inf systj vis commun image rj visual lang computj visual-japanj amb intel smart en j appl logicj bioinf comput biolj comput sci-neth7journal of logical and algebraic methods in programmingj log algebr methods programj log algebr methods 2352-2208j organ end user comj real-time image prj i telecommun profj multimodal user in knowl eng revksii t internet infmath comp model dynmath struct comp scimicroprocess microsymultidim syst sign pmath model nat phenomemetic computing memet comput 1865-9284 1865-9292new generat computnew rev hypermedia monline inform revpresence-teleop virtprogram comput soft pers ubiquit computprobl inform transm rairo-theor inf applrom j inf sci tech sigmod recsimul 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inspired cognitive architecturesbiol inspired cogn architbiol inspir cogn arc 2212-683x 2212-68480electronic notes in theoretical computer scienceelectron notes theor comput selectron notes theor 1571-0661#information-wissenschaft und praxisinform-wissensch praxinform-wiss prax 1434-4653 1619-42920international journal of web information systemsint j web inf syst 1744-0084 1744-0092"swarm and evolutionary computationswarm evol comput 2210-6502 2210-6510��61 z20�3�5��6z�7��8��9�;� '<� �=t �>z �?�a�pbf�c�&e�,fg��hm�i�1kml#om%@nwo-mp#�qj�rr�sw�ts�uc�vo�we�xo�yr�z^ �[h �\q �]\ �^n �_��`~ b��b�-d�aewf yg �h^ j�gk�wl >m�mn��ohq��r�sxsu��vs�wh�xiz�i{� �|( �}v �~� �������m��n����!��.܇j�oӊa���,��!��t�����!��������ք?��6��o����(�� 4�� ѝ; ]�� 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