huanglab 近日发布了研究团队最新的一篇关于 “元宇宙中的经济系统” 综述论文,题目为 “economic systems in metaverse: basics, state of the art, and challenges”,作者来自中山大学软件工程学院、中央财经大学、以及新加坡技术与设计大学。
目前论文已经上传到了预印本网站 arxiv,链接为:
鉴于经济系统(economic systems)是元宇宙的底层基石,笔者调研了目前业内最新的方案、技术架构、产品系统、以及研究论文,以期展示一个元宇宙中的经济系统的全景路线图。该综述讨论的话题涵盖元宇宙中的经济系统的基本概念、数字创作、数字资产、数字交易、通证经济、激励机制、代币系统、数字钱包、去中心化金融、跨链生态与跨元宇宙平台互操作性,等等。通过该综述,笔者希望可以帮助元宇宙的研究者、教育工作从事者、技术工程师、以及对该话题感兴趣的读者更好地理解元宇宙中的经济活动背后的社会需求与洞察。
economic systems play pivotal roles in the metaverse. however, we have not yet found an overview that systematically introduces economic systems for the metaverse. therefore, we review the state-of-the-art solutions, architectures, and systems related to economic systems. when investigating those state-of-the-art studies, we keep two questions in our mind: (1) what is the framework of economic systems in the context of the metaverse, and (2) what activities would economic systems engage in the metaverse? this article aims to disclose insights into the economic systems that work for both the current and the future metaverse. to have a clear overview of the economic-system framework, we mainly discuss the connections among three fundamental elements in the metaverse, i.e., digital creation, digital assets, and the digital trading market. after that, we elaborate on each topic of the proposed economic-system framework. those topics include incentive mechanisms, monetary systems, digital wallets, decentralized finance (defi) activities, and cross-platform interoperability for the metaverse. for each topic, we mainly discuss three questions: a) the rationale of this topic, b) why the metaverse needs this topic, and c) how this topic will evolve in the metaverse. through this overview, we wish readers can better understand what economic systems the metaverse needs, and the insights behind the economic activities in the metaverse.
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